Fact: We’ve reached out to dermatologists directly via Instagram direct messaging because, well, why not? Sometimes, we just have to find a quick answer that’s too simple to ring the dermatologist for, but also too complex for a quick trip to the good ol’ Google search bar. The question we’ve been pondering lately is whether or not men need eye cream — or, a formula that’s specifically formulated for men. We slid into the DM of consulting dermatologist NYC-based dermatologist Joshua Zeichner, MD, for his expert opinion.


The short answer is yes, men absolutely need to be using eye cream, but it doesn’t necessarily matter whether it’s specially formulated for men or women. “It’s a myth that men’s skin is any less sensitive or prone to aging compared to women’s skin,” says Dr. Zeichner. “Men certainly can use the same types of eye creams that women are using.” The ingredients used in men’s skin-care products are very similar to those of women, he adds. “The main difference is that fragrance is used to address the preferences of men versus women.” Besides the products’ packaging and scent, chances are the eye creams contain similar ingredients.


In terms of the ingredients both women and men should look for in an eye cream, Zeicher recommends those with antioxidants, retinol and caffeine. “Antioxidants help to protect the skin’s surface against free radical damage. Retinol stimulates new production of collagen and elastin to strengthen the skin’s foundation, while caffeine constricts blood vessels that helps reduce puffiness.”

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